Thursday, June 13, 2013

last day of school randoms..

 it has been so crazy lately..
i can't breathe let alone find the time to blog..

it is officially summerrrrrrrrrrr!!! i am so excited to have these munchkins home with me!!
 for sleeping in, beach days, pool days, camping, train rides to somewhere/anywhere.. 


i went to get a massage today.. i figured last day of school.. i deserve a a celebration myself, right?
i need to try this mask i saw over on
interesting that honey is so great for your skin..
i could use some love there too..

makena went off a high dive on a school field trip.. i was so proud of her.. she was really scared she said but jumped anyway.. that makes my heart flutter with pride.. gotta jump girl!! always jump!!

this is my idea of perfection for a meal.. i can't get enough caprese sandwiches.. i am also madly in love with avocado..
love this spin on all of the above..
screams summer huh?

i came across this photo of damian painting chloe's toes last year..
i love this photos and him.. and her..

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